Skilled Nursing Facility 

·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ Certified Care™
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Certified Care Skilled Nursing Facility Stroke Rehab

The skilled nursing facility certification programs elevate care, prioritizing improved patient outcomes and ensuring a smooth transition from facility to community.

Our programs establish a framework for evaluating facilities based on the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ’s scientific guidelines for heart failure or stroke care. It validates adherence to our standards, emphasizing program management, patient education, care coordination and clinical management.

AHA certification can enhance confidence and set your organization apart.
Spotlight shining on individual

See Who Stands Out Among Skilled Nursing Facilities!

Download our current map of facilities working to improve care and outcomes for patients across the country. These certified sites meet the AHA key standards and a rigorous review process.

Patients Come First

Our specialty certification programs are focused on one simple recognize organizations that make the patient care experience better.



Male Nurse with Patient SNF

Benefits For Patients

  • Access to centers focused on treating stroke and heart failure and their co- morbidities.
  • Confidence that the centers can provide the most effective treatment strategies.
  • Assurance that the center has been vetted and is recognized by the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ, based on professional evaluation criteria designed by experts.

Benefits For Referring Hospitals

  • Improved readmission rates due to unnecessary readmissions and possible savings.
  • Enhanced continuum of care for the patient through improved care coordination and communication between the Hospital and Facility. 
  • Opportunity to demonstrate quality of care through patient outcomes. 
  • Confidence of certification built on the Association's science and guidelines.
Doctor with Female Patient in Pink SNF
SNF Nurse with Man Using Walker

Benefits For Certified Facilities and Those In-Process

  • Validation of a level of expertise that only the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ can offer.  
  • Possibility of more patient referrals, professional recognition and improved reimbursement pathways.
  • Access to a national collaborating network sharing best practices and support. 
  • Direct access to AHA-sponsored live and online educational activities. 
  • Consultative services from AHA staff throughout the entire certification process
    *Added benefits at no cost to facilities

Webinar: Impacting Stroke Outcomes - The Next Step for Skilled Nursing Facilities in the Stroke System of Care 

Impacting Stroke Outcomes Webinar

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Join us for a model share of the development of a stroke rehabilitation program at a Skilled Nursing Facility, the journey to being the first certified in the U.S., and the impact for patients and all care organizations along the continuum.

Webinar: Transforming Care - Introducing the Stroke Rehabilitation Certification

Intro slide to SNF Stroke Rehab Webinar

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Join the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ and Dr. Pamela Duncan as we introduce the new Skilled Nursing Facility Stroke Rehabilitation Certification. This certification provides a framework for evaluating skilled nursing facilities against the ·¬ÇÑÊÓƵ's evidence-based guidelines for patients recovering from stroke.

Webinar: The Development of a Heart Failure Program in a Skilled Nursing Facility

Intro slide The Development of a HF Program of a Skilled Nursing Facility Webinar

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Join us for a presentation on the development and maintenance of a heart failure program within a Skilled Nursing Facility. Dr. Yogesh Viroja will share program insights and examples including steps and components to achieve success.